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ZBC Terms of Use


Zhu Badminton Development Limited, trading as Zhu Badminton Centre (ZBC, we, or us) agrees to supply Services,
including without limitation use of the Badminton Centre at 98 Aidanfield Drive, Christchurch to you, subject to
these Terms. Use of the Badminton Centre constitutes acceptance of these Terms.

1. Bookings
1.1. The terms for use of ZBC’s booking system are set out on ZBC’s website. Members and other registered
casual users of the Badminton Centre may, subject to availability and payment, make bookings for use of
courts at the Badminton Centre on the basis set out below, and in accordance with our court hire policy.
ZBC reserves the right to decline, amend or cancel any court bookings and/or deny access to the Badminton
Centre or cancel or downgrade your membership where there are breaches of these Terms.
1.2. ZBC may reschedule bookings to accommodate other users, but will credit you with the amount of the court
fee if the rescheduled booking is not suitable for your planned use.
1.3. Member Bookings: Court fees are expected to be paid by members at their court rates at the time of
booking. A minimum 12 hour notice is required to cancel a booking. Cancellations made outside the 12hr period will

receive a full refund minus a cancellation fee of $0.70. Cancellations made within a 12 hour period will not be refunded.
1.4. Casual Bookings: All casual bookings must be paid for at the casual player’s rate at the time of booking.
Casual bookings cannot be changed, and are non-refundable.
2. Access Pin Holders
2.1. Membership and use of an Access Pin is not transferrable. You must be present in the Badminton Centre at
all times when your pin is being used for a court booking.
2.2. As a captain/group leader, you are responsible for all your club members, and other guests, and their
actions while using the Badminton Centre, and for the cost of repairing any damage caused to the
Badminton Centre or any ZBC equipment by you or your club members or guests. You must report any
damage caused to the Badminton Centre by you or your club members or guests to ZBC as soon as possible.

2.3. ZBC junior membership must follow all junior individual membership rules and is strictly forbidden to be used in conjunction with any club/group membership for the club/group's purpose, ie., player/players of the club can not play on any other court booked by any ZBC junior member during his/her/their club time as a part of his/her/their club activity. Breach of this rule may result in the membership cancelled without any refund.
2.4. ZBC club/group membership must follow all group membership rules and is strictly forbidden to be used in conjunction with any ZBC junior membership, ie., player/players of the club can not play on any other court booked by any ZBC junior member during his/her/their club time as a part of his/her/their club activity. Breach of this rule may result in the membership cancelled without any refund.

3. Court Use Guidelines
3.1. You can only play on the court when the light of that court number is on.
3.2. You are responsible for your own belongings. Valuables such as expensive jewellery and electronic devices,
should not be brought to the Badminton Centre. ZBC will not be responsible for any lost or missing items.
3.3. No alcohol is to be brought onto nor consumed at the Badminton Centre, and no smoking is permitted
inside the Badminton Centre buildings.
3.4. When your booking is completed down please exit the courts for the next booking.
3.5. You must not lean or pull on nets, and must always respect the use of facilities and equipment provided.
You must ensure that you and your players do not abuse anything provided for use.
3.6. You must remove all rubbish after using the courts, and clean up spills and water on the courts
immediately. You must not bring any glass onto the court areas.
3.7. You must not use inappropriate behaviour and behaviours that violates the rights of others, particularly
when the behaviour is disrespectful, offensive of discriminatory. You must treat all coaches, managers,
other players, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of age, race, creed, colour, gender or
3.8. You must not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike behaviour with any officials, coaches, players or
parents such as arguing, booing and taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or
gestures. You must never encourage players to engage in violence or engage in it yourself. You must not use
information technology to make or post inappropriate comments against players, clubs, club officials,
match officials, which is discriminatory or offensive.
3.9. The Badminton Centre are monitored by security cameras. Failure to comply with these rules may result in
your membership and/or access rights being suspended or cancelled.

3.10 Clean, non-marking shoes suitable for badminton to be used on ZBC courts only. Strictly no stilettos in the

main hall.

4. Price and Payment
4.1. Membership Fees and Court Hire Fees are payable in accordance with our court hire policy, which we can
update when we want to.
4.2. Payment must be made in cash prior to use of the Badminton Centre or our provision of any Goods or
Services unless we agree otherwise in writing. We may withhold provision of Services (including access to
the Badminton Centre) until you provide payment of all money payable by you to us. If you do not pay any
monies owed to us (unpaid monies) by the due date, we may charge penalty interest at a rate of 1.5% per
calendar month calculated daily. You indemnify us for and pay, on demand, all costs incurred by us
(including actual legal costs and debt collection costs) in the recovery or attempted recovery of unpaid
moneys and the enforcement of these Terms.

5. Limitation of Liability
5.1. We are not liable to you for any loss or damage arising from delay or failure to perform our obligations due
to any matter beyond our reasonable control.
5.2. To the maximum extent permitted by law:
(a) We and our employees and agents are not be liable to you for any claim for breach of Contract
(except as provided in this clause) or Statute or breach of duty in Tort (including negligence) or for
any claim in Equity or otherwise at law. There are no warranties express or implied.
(b) Your sole remedy against us shall be limited to breach of contract and the extent of any such
liability shall be limited, at our option, to supplying the Services again; or payment of the cost of
having the Services supplied again. We will not, in any case, be liable for any other losses whether
general, exemplary, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential, including loss of business profits.
(c) No action may be brought against us unless notice of such claim is given to us within one week of
delivery of the provision of the particular Services to which the claim relates.

6. Use of information
6.1. You acknowledge that in order for you to receive our Services and use the Badminton Centre, we will
collect information about you for the purposes of:
(a) Processing your application for membership and compiling a register of names and contact details
for members and participants;
(b) Publishing any of your competitive game results in our newsletters and on our website;
(c) Selecting and publicly naming competitors and teams to participate in badminton events;
(d) Providing you with information about activities, goods and services we offer or that are occuring at
the Badminton Centre;
(e) Including your photograph or other imagery on our website or in our newsletters, annual reports
and other publications;
(f) Checking your present and continued credit worthiness and collecting any outstanding debt from
you; and
(g) Any other purpose you agree to in writing,
(the purposes set out above).
6.2. You consent to us disclosing personal information about you, as well as the details of any default in
payment by you, to any credit or debt collection agency, and to any person/agency we appoint to collect
any outstanding debt from you, if necessary, for the purposes set out above.
6.3. You agree and acknowledge that ZBC and its staff and designated persons may photograph and/or record on
video any games and retain such photographs or video recordings for their own use of whatsoever nature,
distribute such photographs or video recordings to any other party, display such photographs or video
recordings any time thereafter, in any form whatsoever (including, but not limited to promotional displays,
social network internet sites, websites but no such photographs or video recordings may be used or
retained for any illegal, immoral or unseemly use or purpose.
6.4. If information is provided to any credit or debt collection agency, they will hold that information on their
systems and use it to provide their credit reporting service, including updating its credit reporting database
and providing that information to other customers they have. You consent to that use and disclosure. We
may request, and any person or organization (including any credit or debt collection agencies) may provide,
information about you to us, both now and in the future, for the purposes set out above and you consent to
us seeking that information in the course of our business and disclosure of that information to us.
6.5. If you are an individual, you have the right under the Privacy Act 1993 to see and correct any personal
information held by us or any agency about you pursuant to this Application.

7. General Provisions
7.1. These Terms apply to all transactions where we supply Services (including use of the Badminton Centre and
supply of related goods) to you. If there is any inconsistency between these terms and any order submitted
by you or any other arrangement with us, these terms prevail unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.
7.2. These Terms are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of New Zealand. Both
parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand Courts.
7.3. We may review and change these Terms at any time and from time to time. Any such change will take
effect from the date on which we notify you of the change, including by publishing updated Terms on our


Page last updated on 20/12/19


© 2018 by Zhu Badminton Development Ltd.

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Please familiarise yourself with our polices. Any breach of our rules, Terms of Use and Health & Safety policies may result in your membership and/or access rights being suspended or cancelled.


Owned and operated by one passionate, badminton loving family.

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